Meet Kate Kirsh - Weight loss and Wellness Coach

My weight journey, like so many other women’s, began in my early teens. I put on 30 pounds my freshman year of high school, due to poor eating habits, stress, and hormones. Because of the messages I received from our culture and well-meaning family members, I began to believe that it’s not ok to be overweight. And so the battle began.

I fought a war against myself for decades, making my weight an indication of my character. In those decades, I also fell in love and got married, started my nursing career, had 5 beautiful children, all the while expending so much energy on my “weight problem.”

In 2017, I was 40 pounds overweight, drinking 6 Diet Mountain Dews a day, chugging energy drinks and standing in the corner of my kitchen scarfing down potato chips and Dorito’s like it was my job. I was always exhausted and in pain, with depression and brain fog. I knew I was headed in the wrong direction. Then the wake-up call – a dear family member dying of cancer.

It was time to make some drastic changes.

My path to success

I found an eating plan that eliminated sugar and flour. I gave up the Diet Mountain Dew, the energy drinks and the chips. The food and the recipes I got to eat were delicious and healthy.

I lost those 40 pounds over 7 months and kept it off for over 3 1/2 years. I was finally able to focus all that energy I had wasted on weight loss on my family and my career. I became a weight loss coach, and helped women lose weight and become healthier. The battle was finally won. And I discovered my passion for helping other women with their weight and health.

I realized and taught that sustainable weight loss can only come from a place of loving yourself. Not in a yucky, self-absorbed way, but in a way in which you understand that your life is a gift, your body is a gift. And when you care for and love this gift, you have the ability to give so much more, to give from the overflow.

It was this love that helped me lose the weight, keep it off, and in 2021 decide that I wanted to find an exercise routine that helped me get stronger. Enter CrossFit. It had always intrigued me, but intimidated me. I gave it, and several other forms of exercise a try, but CrossFit was the one that stole my heart. I now do CrossFit and strength training 5 days a week.

With the physical demands of CrossFit, I realized that the diet that had served me for so long wasn’t quite working the way it had in the past. In order to improve performance and build muscle, I needed more protein and more carbs, and needed to pull back on the fat a bit. Enter my new food plan. I successfully found a way to eat healthfully, keep my weight down, and enhance my athletic performance.

I love and accept my body in a way that I didn’t back in 2017. My body is beautiful, even though it doesn’t conform to society’s standards for beauty. My body is strong and capable of amazing things. Your body is beautiful and strong and capable!

As a Certified Life Coach, it is my joy to help women love their way to healthy and strong.

Find Your Healthy Way with Kate

Are you tired of the struggle?

  • The one where you’re constantly at war with your own body

  • The one where you’re on the latest overly restrictive diet

  • The one where you follow a grueling exercise routine that you don’t even like …  until you burn out

Are you ready to...

  • Lose the weight once and for all?

    1. Break free from your inner mean girl?

    2. Fall in love with your amazing body?

    I can show you how.

    I can show you how to lose weight sustainably by eating foods you enjoy and finding exercise you love.

    I can show you how to find the joy in movement and how to love yourself to goal weight.

    Are you ready?